What a Great Evening! Our best attended Tuesday Twilight of the year (so far) was held in beautiful conditions enabling all to enjoy an evening of friendly banter, a lot of laughs and of course, some bowling. Included in the evening were 6 visitors taking to the green for the very first time, which is what these evenings are all about, i.e. introducing more players to the game.
If you have never played bowls but would like to try it, come along on Tuesday evenings and don’t worry about your age (10yrs - whenever!) or inexperience, you will find plenty of help and encouragement to enjoy the game amongst our regular players. We supply the bowls, you supply the smile.

It is always worth remembering that everyone who has ever participated in bowls has experienced their first game, and there is no doubt that the more you play, the better it gets.
Call us on 482 0338 and leave a message or go to www.beachhavenbowls.nz for details. You can even email us from the site.