This is our first posting following the events of last week that have left their mark of horror and sadness on our Club just as it has on our community - and the entire country. This Club honours those who died in such terrible circumstances and our thoughts are with their families and friends. Kia Kaha, Christchurch.
In somewhat subdued circumstances the Men’s Singles Championship was commenced Saturday, 23rd March, under beautiful blue skies and a light wind that barely fluttered our half-masted flag. The patient efforts of our Green Keeper, Mo Pita, with our still young green are now starting to show through and he presented us with a fine surface to play what turned out to be a fascinating day’s matches with a number of upsets of form players during Section play including last year's Champion and also El Presidente! The Semifinals between Steve Doolan/Jason Blackmore and father & son combination Rick and Dan Markovina, were both entertaining matches of high quality watched from the gallery by lesser players offering plenty of advice in the good-natured and time honoured tradition of the Beach Haven bowling fraternity. The very warm and draining weather conditions put an end to the day's proceedings after our Finalists, Steve Doolan and Dan Markovina had been found, so on to another day.....
Sunday dawned warm and slightly damp and overcast but improved markedly by the time the Final commenced at 11.00am and once again the small (but enthusiastic) gallery were treated to more excellent bowling. After quite a tussle, youthful exuberance eventually prevailed and the match was taken by Dan Markovina over a fighting Steve Doolan with both players demonstrating some superb draw bowling that would grace any Club final. The only problem the Club has now is to find the volume control as we will probably be hearing about it for months…. Only joking Dan, well done, we now have two generations of Markovinas on the Honours Board.